
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Literally 15 minute shoot!

My friend came out for pictures for Christmas cards and it took us literally 15 minutes or less and we got several awesome ones!! Easy peasy.

Just Perfect

This photoshoot went just perfect. We nailed the family picture in the first 3 shoots so the rest was gravy! But that gravy was so good too! 

How amazing does she look?!

Christmas Pictures

This photo session was purchased in a fundraiser auction for a friend who had some terrible medical problems recently. The timing was PERFECT to get some Christmas pictures done. These boys didn't quite know what their roles were, you know, sitting still and stuff.  ;)  But they were smiling, I just had to move a bit more!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I'm so impressed with how well these turned out S! I feel like I'm ruining your Christmas presents with these, but I know there are a bunch more great ones still there.

This dude was some kind of super model, looking and smiling every time I picked it up, then going back to playing when I put it down. And look how stinking adorable he is - total model material!

Zooming Race Cars

My first time taking pictures of a couple race cars.  Pretty cute ones!! ;)

Happy Family

My beautiful cousin and her beautiful little family. It was so nice to see her as she lives in Nunavut now!  And her son was so happy and cheery the whole time, well until I pushed it (see the end...).

Newly sitting.

And then he realized he was on his tummy and was grumpy from here on.  :)

Cake poke.

This little dude (and his brother when he helped) was such a gentleman around this cake. He kept his shirt pristine for quite a long time, and I think he even needed help to finally "smash" the cake! (ps how awesome is the cake that daddy made?!)